A little more about us.
South & West is a consulting, creative, and digital firm designed to support progressive campaigns and organizations, as well as mission-driven social enterprises and nonprofits. We think a lot about the future of democracy and society, and we want to partner with you to help you build it.
The name of the company comes from Joan Didion’s travel memoir by the same name. Our origins are in South Carolina and California - south and west. We now also operate out of Australia. That informs a lot of the work that we do - not just the aesthetics, but in how we think about democracy, society, and technology. We’ve been around the startups and we’ve seen what happens when politicians stop paying attention to the people who need help the most.
We’re in this work because it matters. Because there are people in our hometowns who have been waiting for years for clean drinking water. Because politicians have defunded and education systems to the point that teachers can’t teach and students can’t learn. But there’s hope. We see it every day with our clients, and we’re ready to be there with you.

The Work We Do
Good strategy doesn’t have to just be a poorly written document full of jargon. We have decades of experience building and implementing strategies for campaigns and mission-aligned organizations to reach the exact right audience, provide key services, and build communities around the work they’re doing. We can help you build the coalitions you need and find the most efficient solutions to deliver the change you’re trying to achieve.
Technology doesn’t have to be confusing all the time. We can help you find and deploy tech solutions that simplify and empower your work without becoming an endless stream of new names that don’t make any sense. We can help you leverage automation and advanced computing to do more of the work you want to be doing, and let the computers do the tedious stuff.
Public Engagement
From building behind-the-scenes coalitions to public events, we can help you build support for the work you’re doing. We have managed some of the biggest events in the world, and we’ve managed strategies designed to get just one endorsement. And we’ve done it successfully. We’re able to take ideas from fundraising, public relations, event management, and political coalition-building and use them to help you. We throw out the lines between them all - we’re here to help you build the relationships that matter most.
We have a lot to say. Take a look at our recent public comments. We can also help you figure out how to tell your story!
Work With Us
Every organization is unique. Contact us today to schedule a free consultation and learn how we can take your goals and turn them into achievements.